no more bellyaching

Forget complaining. Find joy in every moment.

3 thoughts on “Anyone eliminate grains? For health? Wei

  1. I went gluten free this time last year and felt fabulous! I did it more to lose the last 5 pounds of baby fat (ok…my baby is 5….!). I was very strict with it for 6 months, but then my best friends birthday came up and we did a weekend away. Then my birthday….my husband got a beautiful cake from our favorite know how it goes. It wasn’t until I started back eating bread, etc that I realized I felt so yucky! I don’t think I have a gluten allergy, but certainly a sensitivity. I feel so much better without it. Are you gluten free?

    • Thank you for sharing that. I am not completely gluten free, but I cut out pasta, bread, crackers–mostly anything with wheat. I haven’t been really vigilant about reading labels though, as I know gluten is in sneaky places like sauces, salad dressings, and so on. I know exactly what you mean about the slippery slope! When I don’t eat bread etc. I don’t really miss it, but once I have one piece it’s like an alarm in my brain goes off and I can’t stop. And I agree; I feel so much better without it!

      • I truly believe in carb addiction! It’s such a strange emotional pull….I know I feel better without it, and I know what I need to do…how long do I have to feel crappy before my head says enough! I’ve come to realize with carbs and gluten in particular I’m an all or nothing type of girl! I’m better off avoiding even the tiniest nibbles. So sad!

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