no more bellyaching

Forget complaining. Find joy in every moment.


Things We Could Love Thursday

Several blogs I follow share weekly pieces called “Things I Love Thursday.” I look forward to reading these and getting a fun start to my day. Focusing on love and positive energy can not only lift our spirits, but it can also heal our bodies. Shaking hands, hugging a friend, snuggling a kitten, and lots of similar acts produce oxytocin, an amazing healing hormone.

There are countless case studies, scientific articles, and some cheesy love songs touting the healing power of love, so welcome to Things We Could Love Thursday, where we will shift our focus on five usually unlovable things:

  1. Thighs. Let’s dive right in. Anyone like their thighs? Really? Google thighs: You get a bunch of tips to make them thinner. However, dig deep, because I found a study indicating people with bigger thighs have less risk for cardiovascular disease and premature death than their scrawny counterparts. That, my friends, is a good reason to embrace your thighs.
  2. Laundry. It is a thankless job. You finish a load and there is another waiting. Reframe that time and use it as an escape. Put headphones on and listen to music or an audio book. Take your time. Enjoy the warmth of the freshly dried clothes. Smile at your children and point to your ears, “Mommy can’t hear you; I’m doing laundry.” It has become one of my favorite chores.
  3. Hair. If it’s curly we straighten it. If it’s straight we curl it. It’s an issue. Let’s stop fighting with our hair and let it be how it wants to be. Ask your stylist for a cut that works with your hair type. If you have curly hair, don’t get that cute cut for poker straight hair. You will never replicate that salon look in your bathroom mirror. Tears will be shed. Trust me; I speak from experience. Love your locks. As they are.
  4. Long Lines. We’ve all been there. The person in front of you is buying 42 cans of cat food, and the cashier comments on each one. “Tuna Surprise?” Your choice: You can stew and feel your blood pressure rise. Or you can accept those extra few minutes as a gift and read the US Weekly headlines. A little Real Housewife drama always makes me smile. Disclaimer: This only applies if you are shopping alone. If you’re in a long line with a small child—text me; I’ll pray for you.
  5. Annoying People. I went there. We all have them: the whiny co-worker, the overbearing mother-in-law (not mine, mine is fabulous), the grouchy boss. Next time you’re tempted to roll your eyes, instead really look at that person. Really listen. What can you learn from him or her? Sometimes the most annoying people have the most to teach us. Visualize your interactions as an opportunity to grow. NOTE: If an upset stomach ensues from swallowing your pride, take Kios DS!

What could you love more? Try it. “I am going to love __________.” And go! Write it in the comments; I’m going to do laundry, and I won’t be able to hear you.