no more bellyaching

Forget complaining. Find joy in every moment.

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About that Eczema…

Awhile ago, I wrote about curing my 7-year-old’s eczema using the probiotic Florax DS. If you missed that post you can read it here.

Perhaps when I first mentioned this miracle eczema cure, you (and I) surmised that it might have been the Florax DS, but it might have been something else. I also told you, I have used creams, oils, butters, wax and many external interventions that didn’t work. I have read often–and if you or your child suffers from eczema, I’m sure you have too–that eczema comes from internal causes: food, allergies, gut imbalances and more so it makes sense that an internal cure would work better than external remedy; right?

Now, sometimes life gets busy, and people get complacent, and mamas might muse, “Maybe it just went away on its own…” I started using it because it worked, but then I kind of forgot that it was working or at the very least took it for granted. Several few weeks ago, I got a sample of another probiotic for kids and thought, perhaps, it would work the same. Plus, it was free, and Florax DS is not. Unfortunately, within two weeks, my little girl’s skin was itchy, rashy, bumpy, scratchy, and I sadly realized: S#$T!! All probiotics are not created equally.

Fortunately, I can get Florax DS at Walgreens, and within a day or two her skin will be back to normal, but I wish she didn’t have to suffer through that. Admittedly, she liked the taste of the other probiotic better, but Florax DS works. And through trial and error, we’ve learned that if she opens her mouth really wide I can shoot it in with a medicine syringe and she doesn’t even taste it. (This is her Shake It and Take It face).wpid-IMG_20140303_120425.jpg

While, I have zero interest in the different strains of bacteria and cell count and other lingo that probiotic companies throw out at consumers, I do know that Florax DS is made from brewer’s yeast unlike others, including the brand I tried, which are bacteria-based.

This issue just came to the forefront again recently, as I discussed eczema remedies with friends, and I stand by my initial assertion that Florax DS works. But I thought I should write about it again since now, I can back that up with another fact: Not all probiotics do.

Want to try it for yourself? Head to your nearest Walgreens, or order today at

Do you or your child suffer from eczema? I would love to hear your story!

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Shake It and Take It

Having a child opens you up to a whole world of things you’ve been warned and not warned about. Although I ran the gamut from amazing to awful birth stories, I have been blessed in more ways than I can count. A few: My kids slept through the night very early—God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. They come home from school and do their homework without nagging. They are healthy, kind and happy most of the time. The list goes on, but this isn’t about counting your blessings. We do that all the time. This is about:

Eczema. This trial we have faced for several years. My youngest child has itchy, irritated skin that last week brought her into my bed at 3 a.m. tossing, turning, and scratching. My son had it as well, but his was quickly remedied with Eucerin cream. Hers is not so easy.

Early Trials. For a while cocoa butter worked. For a while shea butter worked. For a while coconut oil worked. For awhile I bought homemade soy candles and rubbed the melted liquid on her because that worked. Nothing provided a solid consistent cure though. We try remedy after remedy all winter, then her skin clears up when spring arrives, and I forget about it until the following winter. However, when you crawl in my bed and keep me up all night: You get my attention.

Keep It Down. A few months ago, my brother-in-law mentioned that his eczema had cleared up since he’d been taking Florax DS. Although I take it regularly and have written about the huge improvements in my health, I am sometimes lax about giving it to my kids. And honestly, sometimes, for all their good qualities, they’re pretty awful medicine takers. If it doesn’t taste like bubble gum, they’re probably going to vomit it on me. But remembering his statement, I decided to try.

Surprise. I prefaced this undertaking with: This might help your “itchies,” so you should drink it really fast and wash it down with a glass of water and try really hard not to throw it back up; okay?. (Is this just me? Do your kids puke when they take medicine??) So after a big confidence-building pep talk, she took the Florax DS remarking, “It actually tastes pretty good.”

Results. After two doses (one per week) her eczema is almost gone. She had a huge patch on her face for the last month and a half, and it is GONE. Last night when she got out of the tub, I didn’t have to tell her to stop scratching. This morning, I didn’t have to lube her up with coconut oil before she got dressed. Signal heavens opening and angels playing harps.

I know what you’re thinking, but I promise you I have not done one other thing differently. It can only be the Florax DS. Wanna try it? Message me.


Even MORE Benefits of Probiotics

Although it doesn’t feel much like spring, flipping the calendar to March put a little extra spring in my step this morning and gave me hope that the flu, strep throat, and respiratory infections that have been so prevalent will soon subside.

This winter has been an eye-opener. After adding a weekly probiotic to my diet, and I am healthier than I’ve ever been—knock on wood, I know it’s only March 1–but in the midst of multiple stomach flus, respiratory and sinus infections and a few bouts of strep in my house (not everyone here is as faithful about taking their Florax DS), I’ve been illness free.

So if adding a probiotic is something you’ve been considering, I highly recommend it. And Florax DS, made from all-natural brewer’s yeast, is an excellent choice. Of course, I’ll tell you why; thanks for asking:

  • Gut Health=Immune Health. Since more than 60 percent of your immune system is in your gut or digestive system, by keeping your gut healthy you keep your entire body healthy. Check out Kate and Garrett’s story. He was hospitalized several times last year for life-threatening infections. Since adding Florax DS to his regimen along some additional alterations including overnight nursing care, Garrett has not had one trip to the hospital.
  • Shake It and Take It. Some probiotics are just good bacteria, and while that is good for your gut, Florax DS contains a host of other vitamins and minerals. In one little vial that you take once a week, you get a huge dose of good-for-your-body stuff. Do your research and you’ll find you need to take a handful of pills, every day, to get the same benefits.
  • No More Itchy Skin. Do you suffer from eczema or other skin conditions? Brewer’s yeast has been proven to relieve symptoms. I can offer my own testimonial because I tried every skin cream on the shelves and even a few prescription ones to relieve my child’s eczema, Florax DS has finally given her relief.
  • Goodbye, PMS. Not all probiotics help alleviate symptoms of PMS, but the all-natural brewer’s yeast in Florax DS can. Taken about a week before or at the onset of the week from hell as I like to call it, this supplement can help reduce bloating, fatigue, and digestive issues associated with that time of the month.
  • Weight Management. The chances are good that if your gut is functioning at full capacity, you will have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, research shows that B vitamins and chromium (both are in Florax DS) could reduce the amount of fat your body stores to keep you from starving.

I’ve written a lot more about the benefits of probiotics, and I would be happy to talk with you about them or answer any questions. Message me or comment here. I’d love to hear about your experiences!

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Make This Your Best Year

I have been writing this blog for a little over half a year. Initially designed to raise awareness of Hebron USA’s line of all-natural digestive and respiratory products, it has evolved into much more. It seems once you start getting healthy in one area, it naturally progresses into others, and before you know it, you’re approaching every aspect of your life from a whole new point of view.

No More OTC

When I first started using Hebron USA products, I was all ready a pretty health-conscious person. I ate a relatively nutritious vegan diet, spent 3-4 days a week in the gym, and avoided medicine and chemicals. As we enter February, I’m happy to say, I have not used any over-the-counter chemical medications in more than six months, and I feel fantastic.

No More Side Effects

I continue to take Florax DS once a week for its digestive and immune benefits. I take Kios DS as needed for occasional heartburn or indigestion. My family was hit hard by sinus infections and strep throat this year, so we’ve gone through quite a bit of Bromelin DS and Propolis DS. It’s a huge relief to know the medications I’m giving my family are completely safe and natural with no side effects.

No More Beating Ourselves Up

While getting our bodies fit and healthy is great, we also need to work on improving our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. So in 2013, No More Bellyaching will focus on improving every aspect of our lives. We’ll talk about topics ranging from the best workouts to tighten your booty to the best time of day to take your probiotic, and from the benefits of a cleanse to the importance of just eating whatever you want from time to time.

No More Delaying Joy

This is the beginning of my 40th year, which some helpful person pointed out means this is my 5th decade on earth—sometimes it’s just better to keep your mouth shut. Regardless, I’m planning to make it the most amazing year yet. Won’t you join me?


NMB About a Stupid Ugly Disease

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and after losing one of my dearest friends to cancer many years ago, I’ve always admired women who battle cancer, beat cancer, and those who ultimately succumb to its deadly power. I empathize with those who lose sisters, mothers, daughters, and friends, and this year, I join their ranks and cheer another friend through her battle with cancer.

Like the millions of women who face and fight this disease, she has undergone surgery and chemo. She is dealing with nausea, fatigue, the loss of her hair, and she has more surgery to come in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, her friends and family, and the supporters of women fighting cancer everywhere, wear pink ribbons, pray, but unfortunately feel pretty powerless.

Although early detection, advanced treatments, and other innovations may have upped our odds against it, women are still dying of cancer every day. Of course there are ways we can improve our odds: quit smoking, eat healthy, maintain a healthy weight, even taking brewer’s yeast can help us avoid and/or fight cancer–my family relies on Florax DS for our probiotic needs. Unfortunately, there are certain factors such as genetics that we simply cannot change.

So for the rest of October, or better yet for the rest of our lives, let’s focus on what we can do to support our grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, and friends who have been stricken with this ugly disease:

  • Send a card, a text, an email, a tweet, a Facebook message
  • Say a prayer, send positive energy, light a candle
  • Bring dinner, send a gift card for a restaurant
  • Clean, do laundry, or yard work or buy a gift certificate for a cleaning service
  • Drive them to treatments
  • Offer to babysit

While we may not currently cure cancer, we are not powerless. We can love, encourage, and support each other through our experiences. We can stand beside these strong women we admire and cherish. We can be their safe place if they want to cry, scream, vent, and then continue to cheer them on as they fight for their lives. Never underestimate the power of a kind word. What will you do to encourage someone today?

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Florax DS: Love your Gut

We’ve established probiotics are good. Now, how do we decide which strain, formulation, or product is best? Of course I encourage you to consider all the options yourself, but I’ll give you a few reasons why Florax DS is the best choice for my family and myself and may be for you too.

  •  Experts recommend yeast-based formulations for fast and long-lasting effects.

Florax DS is the only ready-to-drink yeast-based product available in a shelf-stable liquid suspension.

  • Florax DS delivers live, active cultures which start working immediately.

When you have diarrhea, you don’t want to wait for relief.

  • Chemical-free

All-natural brewer’s yeast is loaded with healthy benefits.

  • Gluten-free

Many are choosing gluten-free diets to deal with digestive issues; make sure your probiotic is helping not harming you.

  • Vegetarian

For vegans and those with lactose intolerance, yogurt and kefir aren’t an option; Florax DS is.

  • No Side Effects


  • Unlike its bacterial counterparts, Florax DS’s unique brewer’s yeast formulation survives gastric transit and thrives in acidic environments making daily dosing unnecessary.

Take it once a week unlike most probiotics that must be taken daily or multiple times a day.

  • Probiotic yeast cells are 10 times larger than bacterial cells meaning greater gut coverage with fewer cells.

Don’t be fooled by the 500 billion cell count on some bacterial probiotics. More does not always mean better.

  • Safe for children age 5 and up

These are some of the reasons I choose Florax DS. There are more. Questions? Message me; let’s chat about it. Want to try it before you buy it? Visit us on Facebook to find out how you can get a sample!

In the meantime, you can buy Florax DS at Discount Drug Mart,, and Rainforests Remedies, with more locations added daily. To find a retailer near you, visit


Helping Nature Take its Course

Unless you’ve spent the last few years without access to media coverage, you’ve probably heard of probiotics. Moms at the playground, actresses, doctors, and Harvard University scholars are talking about them. Probiotics, the good bacteria and yeasts in your gut that help maintain your digestive and immune health. Okay, well aren’t they just there? Perhaps in a person whose body is functioning at 100% optimization. Is yours? Despite my best efforts, mine is not.

Particularly during cold and flu season, when most of us—especially parents whose children bring home every strain of yuck from school—end up with a sinus infection, a sore throat, something that requires an antibiotic. BAM! Along with killing the bad bacteria, that Z-pack annihilates the good ones. Every single time I take an antibiotic I get a yeast infection and diarrhea. Too much information, I know, but when I get sick, I weigh whether or not to go to the doctor because I’d usually rather deal with the sore throat or the sinus infection than the alternative.

Did you know that you can take probiotics during antibiotic treatment and avoid these ridiculous side effects? Well, yogurt has probiotics, and this is an alternative: A) if you have an unlimited grocery budget—the stuff is expensive and B) if you like yogurt and eat dairy products. So what about those of us who don’t? Ahhhhh, Florax DS. Where has this been? It’s been in Brazil, helping thousands of people keep their guts healthy, but now this all-natural ready-to-drink probiotic is here in the US.

What is it? Brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast as it’s sometimes called. That’s it. No fancy chemical names you can’t pronounce. In a tiny little vial that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, mixed, or prepared. Just shake it, drink it, and you’re good. For 4-6 days. That beats eating 15 yogurts a day, swallowing a bunch of pills, and suffering with diarrhea and yeast infections. But wait, how does putting yeast into your body stop you from getting a yeast infection? It’s a “good yeast” that is present in a healthy gut not that other kind.

This seems like a no-brainer. Less than a shot-glass-full of Florax DS puts all the good stuff back in your gut, stops diarrhea, improves regularity, and boosts your immune health? I’ll drink to that.

Florax DS and other Hebron USA products are available at Discount Drug Mart,,, and more stores are being added daily! Please visit to find a retailer near you.